Welcome to Streamlike.eco, the eco-friendly professional video solution for your budget!
You are about to create your account.
You benefit from a 10-day trial period with no need to enter a payment method.
Streamlike.eco gives you access to the essential functions of the Streamlike platform. They are designed to meet the needs of most associations,
local authorities and small to medium-sized businesses.
If your needs are greater, you can set yourself a budget to meet.
If your needs are much greater, or if you require more functionality, you can switch to a Streamlike account at any time.
With Streamlike.eco
You retain total control over your content: You remain the sole owner, and you don't need to ask your audience to accept advertising cookies to comply with the GDPR.
You practice "responsible streaming" to minimize your environmental impact. Streamlike.eco is economical in terms of data transfer,
for greater digital sobriety but also for greater savings on your budget.
You're in control of your budget. The price of the service is based on the total duration of the videos on your account, the "catalog",
and on the volume of data transferred when your videos are played. For €1 a day (or €30 a month), you get a professional solution that allows you,
for example, a "catalog" of 1 hour of video and 52 hours of viewing, or a catalog of 5 hours of video and 20 hours of viewing. That's enough for 95% of professional needs.